Collaboriamo con i nostri clienti per creare soluzioni innovative per il mercato sanitario.
La nostra cultura promuove una forte etica del lavoro fornendo una lunga relazione con tutti i nostri clienti.
Sobi collabora con MCO da molti anni per l’organizzazione dei propri eventi. Posso affermare che MCO è sicuramente un’agenzia di fiducia, a cui SOBI rinnova periodicamente il proprio consenso. MCO arriva ad elevato standard qualitativo in tutti gli eventi che cura per noi, competenza, disponibilità, problem solving, sono solo alcune delle caratteristiche principali che la contraddistinguono. La collaborazione creata con MCO ci consente di raggiungere sempre degli ottimi risultati finali, sia in termini di obiettivi scientifici culturali, che anche di bilanci economici raggiunti. Sono lieto di confermare la professionalità di MCO come agenzia congressuale e Provider ECM e, mi auguro che la nostra collaborazione sia sempre così costruttiva.
Passione, entusiasmo, visione in un team di professionisti di alto profilo che ci sta accompagnato in questi anni di lavoro insieme, con un rapporto che non si può definire solo consulenziale, ma di vera e propria partnership. We win non è solo uno slogan, ma è dimostrato concretamente con i fatti da MCO!
Hello MCO, I want to thank you for all the help you and your team have given us over the last few months will organizing our event. It has been a pleasure working with you and I am sorry I won’t get to meet you in person. I hope all goes well and I will hopefully get to work with you again sometime. Kind regards.
I want to thank MCO for the great success of our meeting, which took place without a hitch and developed so perfectly. You managed everything to perfection, and I want to personally thank you in my name and those of my colleagues for your hard work and handling of all aspects of the meeting.
I am pleased to confirm the professionality of MCO whom we have known for years and with whom we have had the pleasure of working with on several successful events. The staff’s competence and professionalism make communications and interaction with the dedicated MCO account team seem simple, operations always run a smooth course. Thanks to MCO’s long-standing experience in the veterinarian sector, our network with veterinarians, with the Ministry of Health, and with other public offices has effectively been increased. The feedback received from veterinarians has been one of extreme satisfaction. I gladly refer MCO for any international events for their versatility in the international arena, for their creativity, and for their ability to contain costs while always delivering the highest quality service.
I’ve been meaning to send you this note for some time just to say thank you for all you did to make our international meeting in Rome such a great success. Your charm and attention to details were greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance. We are indeed fortunate to have had someone as capable as you working on this event. Thank you for everything.
Our company relies on MCO for the excellent organization of our delegations and 360° services for all our meetings. What distinguishes MCO is the great attention to details and the high professional level of the logistic services. The team assigned to our company has always proposed great locations for all social events and has displayed great versatility and flexibility no matter where the event took place.
Sono lieto di confermare che MCO è indubbiamente un’agenzia congressuale che rende ogni evento un successo. Lavorare con voi è una garanzia di raggiungimento del risultato finale, sia in termini di obiettivi scientifici-culturali, sia in termini di bilanci economici raggiunti.
This is to lend my support to the Medical Events Company MCO. I have had the good fortune to benefit from their services as conference organizers and travel logistics experts for many years. In my 30 years as a Cardiologist and as the Founder and clinical director of the Hatter Cardiovascular Institute at University College Hospital, London, I have a very wide experience, globally, of medical and scientific conferences.
Dear MCO, it is with great pleasure that the ESGCT thanks you for the excellent organizational support to our international conference; in particular, we thank you for your professionalism, the attention to details of the organization, and the availability and proven reliability.
It was a pleasure to have met you in Rome and also at your office in Florence. I did want to send a brief note to express my thanks for the effort that your team applied in helping ensure our 2017 Annual Meeting was a great success! […] The early feedback from those present has been very complimentary overall […] wanted to say thanks… job well done! I would be pleased if you let the rest of the team know of this.
Con il presente intendo esprimervi il mio più vivo ringraziamento per l’organizzazione del nostro Consiglio Nazionale. Il ringraziamento è ancora più sentito pensando alla semplicità, al sorriso e all’efficienza con cui sono state affrontate le situazioni che si sono verificate nel corso dell’appuntamento denso di eventi. Un’ulteriore conferma di quanto già evidenziato nel corso dei precedenti appuntamenti organizzati per nostro conto.
Colgo l’occasione per congratularmi con voi non solo per la professionalità e la competenza dimostrata nell’organizzazione del corso “Malattie autoinfiammatorie monogenetiche e multifattoriali: diagnosi e nuove prospettive terapeutiche”, ma anche per l’attenzione avuta nel gestire situazioni delicate.
The exchanges and network we did at the ICEHTMC Congress were effective and sustained supported by an excellent environment. Your performance was a one of the factors of success. Congrats to all the MCO team!!
Congratulations to all the organizers and all people behind the scene of the very successful event of III ICEHTMC 2019 Congress, Rome, Italy. Your warm and sincere engagement to serve and help delegates with their needs is highly regarded and appreciated. Thank you very very much to the MCO staff! You are such wonderful people with sweet smiles. God bless you more.
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Crediamo che ci sia sempre spazio per l’innovazione: promuoviamo le ultime tecnologie e incoraggiamo le idee creative, con lo scopo di supportare gli obiettivi e la strategia del cliente.